About Us - The Red Carpet


The Red Carpet

“Your Opinion Matters”

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About Us

In the world of online news, media and huge numbers of websites there are a lot of facts which are rounding here and there but there is huge lack of opinions about those particular facts. Facts without considerations create confusion and joggle you toward manufactured decisions of fact makers. If you know that there can be many opinions about a single fact and your opinion gives you the best of objective about what result you should perceive  from a particular fact or incident.

We here, on The Red Carpet, bring many opinions for you from different point of views about each fact which is a great need of the moment. If we want to get better results, better selection from available options then there is a way to make possible output by making opinions wider about products, markets, politics, economies, society, environment and about your favorite personalities from entertainment and political sphere also.

There is a story behind evolution of The Red Carpet as an opinion platform. The base of the thing is that there is no limit of thinking and getting an output from thoughts. What average people do every time that when they get a fact, they draw a result or judgment first which seems to suit best for their interest and after getting a judgment already they start to perform operation of facts in search of angles for their thoughts. Which is nothing else of time wasting and at the end they get the result which they have decided already without any new point of view or option. Hence there are plenty of chances of jotting down on unsuccessful result or selection of direction. 

Here, the red color in The Red Carpet indicates a caution for being a judgmental without having different opinions for available facts and the carpet shows a plain and different edges of vastness. We believe in mental independence as well as physical. We don’t believe in imposing thoughts on self-sufficient minds. Hence, we are making the way ahead of opinions so that independent minds like you can express yourself in different corners and can make better findings for your selections in every aspect of life by taking ideas from these opinions in your path moves. We are always here with the small contribution for our society by achieving an oath of pronouncement - “GROW OPINIONS, BE WIDER AND WIN THE OPTIONS” and we encourage you to participate in our tenacious and substantial mission because "YOUR OPINION MATTERS".

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